Donate / Tickets
Purchase tickets or sponsorship packages below. Or if you prefer, you may call (248) 912-1576 to place your order.
*Please Note: We are not issuing physical tickets, but will have your purchase information at registration.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, November 6 at the Westin Book Cadillac Detroit
for Wine & Dine in the D 2024!
Please enter your donation amount below.
The minimum donation is $1.00.

General Ticket Options
- 6 General Admission tickets to the event
- Reserved table for you and your guests
- One Patron ticket to the event, which includes admission to the special Patron’s Afterglow Reception
- 4 Patron tickets to the event, which includes admission to the special Patron’s Afterglow Reception
- 6 Patron tickets to the event, which includes admission to the special Patron’s Afterglow Reception
- Reserved table for you and your guests
Sponsorship Options
Multiple Available
- Name recognition on video screens and signage on-site at Wine and Dine in the D
- 2 Patron Tickets to the event, which includes admission to the special Patron’s Afterglow Reception
- Recognition on the Cure Multiple Myeloma website
- Display area at event for literature, signage, etc.
Multiple Available
- Name recognition on video screens and signage on-site at Wine and Dine in the D
- 4 Patron Tickets to the event, which includes admission to the special Patron’s Afterglow Reception
- Recognition on the Cure Multiple Myeloma website
- Display area at event for literature, signage, etc.
Multiple Available
- Name recognition on printed and electronic materials; in marketing and promotions
- Name recognition on video screens and signage on-site at Wine and Dine in the D
- Name recognition on the Cure Multiple Myeloma website and through special eblasts
- Quarter Page Ad in printed program (4”x2 ½”)
- 8 Patron Tickets to the event, which includes admission to the special Patron’s Afterglow Reception
- Reserved Table for you and your guests
- Display area at event for literature, signage, etc.
Multiple Available
- Priority recognition as Level One Sponsor
- Opportunity to meet face-to-face with up to four of the participating doctors for 20 minutes before or after the Multiple Myeloma discussion. Sponsor will have individual time with the doctors in a breakout room at the Westin Book Cadillac.
- Name recognition on printed and electronic materials; in marketing and promotions
- Name recognition on video screens and signage on-site at Wine and Dine in the D
- Name recognition on the Cure Multiple Myeloma website and through special eblasts and social media posts
- Half Page Ad in printed program (4”x5”)
- 16 Patron Tickets to the event, which includes admission to the special Patron’s Afterglow Reception
- Reserved Tables for you and your guests
- One luxury room at the Westin Book Cadillac for the night of the event
- Display area at event for literature, signage, etc.
Afterglow Sponsor $15,000 – One Available
- Premium recognition on printed and electronic materials; in marketing and promotions
- Premium recognition on video screens and signage on-site at Wine and Dine in the D
- Premium recognition on the Cure Multiple Myeloma website and through special eblasts and social media posts
- Opportunity to meet face-to-face with up to six of the participating doctors for 30 minutes before and/or after the Multiple Myeloma discussion. Sponsor will have individual time with the doctors in a breakout room at the Westin Book Cadillac.
- Full-Page Ad in printed program (8”x5”)
- 20 Patron Tickets to the event, which includes admission to the special Patron’s Afterglow Reception
- Reserved Tables for you and your guests
- One luxury room at the Westin Book Cadillac for the night of the event
- Display area at event for literature, signage, etc.
*Please Contact us directly, if your are interested in the Aferglow Sponsorship level.
Title Sponsor $20,000 – One Available
This special sponsorship helps build a Metro Detroit myeloma community, which can support patients and caregivers and to help fund next generation multiple myeloma treatments to extend patients’ lives in pursuit of a cure.
- Priority recognition as the title sponsor of Wine and Dine in the D. Including speaking opportunity at Multiple Myeloma Discussion
- Premium recognition on printed and electronic materials; in marketing and promotions
- Premium recognition on video screens and signage on-site at Wine and Dine in the D
- Premium recognition on the Cure Multiple Myeloma website and through special eblasts and social media posts
- Premium Back Cover Full-Page ad in the printed program (8”x5”)
- Opportunity to meet face-to-face with all participating doctors during a 40-minute timeframe before and/or after the Multiple Myeloma discussion. Sponsor will have individual time with the doctors in a breakout room at the Westin Book Cadillac.
- 30 Patron Tickets to the event, which includes admission to the special Patron’s Afterglow Reception
- Reserved Tables for you and your guests
- Two Luxury rooms at the Westin Book Cadillac for the night of the event
- Display area at event for literature, signage, etc.
*Please Contact us directly, if your are interested in the Title Sponsorship level.
Multiple Myeloma Patient Pricing
Multiple Myeloma patients are invited to attend Wine & Dine in the D with special ticket pricing. Please choose the one or two ticket option below and fill in the amount of your choice, remembering that this is a fundraiser to help find a cure for multiple myeloma!
IMPORTANT – Please remember to provide your full name and address so that we can put you on the guest list!
Please enter your donation amount below.
The minimum donation is $1.00.
Please enter your donation amount below.
The minimum donation is $1.00.